Friday, September 7, 2012

Eon and Eona by Alison Goodman

SYNOPSIS:  Eona has been raised as a boy, to try to become a Dragoneye, or dragon master.  As she tries to keep her gender a secret, she finds herself amidst a war for power.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  This is another book on my "books to read" list, which means I'm not sure what the source was.  It's a little farther in the realm of fantasy than I generally go.  Also, there were segments in it that were too sensual for me, and also some parts that were violent.  However, someone else might enjoy the series (Eon and Eona).  I would reserve it for older readers.

RATING:  PG13 for sensuality and violence

AUDIENCE:  Young Adult and Adult

STARS:  3 1/2

BOOKS LIKE THIS:  Alanna, Eragon

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