Monday, February 24, 2014

Champion by Marie Lu

SYNOPSIS:  The Legend Trilogy concludes as June and Day find themselves thrown together after eight months spent on opposite sides of the Republic.  Their goal is still the same:  to save the Republic and the people who live in it.  However, with their troubled history, and the almost insurmountable odds, they are unsure if they can find a way to be happy together.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  I was not a fan of the first half of this book for many reasons.  It was dark, hopeless, and depressing.  There was stronger sensuality in this book than the others in the trilogy, including both a bedroom scene, and a homosexual kissing scene.  By the time I was halfway through it, I was looking forward to being rid of it.  For those reasons alone, I wouldn't recommend the book.  However, the last half of the book was exciting, and the ending was satisfying.  Since I don't believe it's possible to read just the last half of the book, I'd recommend skipping it and looking up the ending on Wikipedia.

AUDIENCE: Young Adult

RATING:  PG13 for Violence, and Strong Sensuality


BOOKS LIKE THIS:  I Am Number Four, Divergent

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