Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Mark of the Thief Series by Jennifer A. Nielsen

SYNOPSIS:  Nic is a slave, in ancient Rome, forced to work in mines, choosing to undermine his taskmaster, all while trying to protect his sister.  His father died a cursed death when he was very young.  What he finds one day while mining changes him forever.  Was it luck that led him to the bulla, and the magic within, or was it more of his curse?

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  While I didn't enjoy this series as much as Jennifer Nielsen's The False Prince series, Nic is quite similar to Sage.  Fans of Sage will probably enjoy this series as well.  There is plenty of excitement and danger, but I was missing some of the sly cleverness from The False Prince.  That being said, the series was entertaining, and I would recommend it to fans of Jennifer Nielsen's work.


RATING:  PG with some violence.

STARS:  2 1/2