Monday, September 24, 2012

Gone by Michael Grant

SYNOPSIS:  Sam is at school when suddenly his teacher disappears into thin air.  He finds that every other person above the age of 15 has disappeared also.  Because of heroic actions in his youth, Sam is looked on as a leader, and reluctantly tries to help the youth of his town find order in the midst of complete disorder.  However, he finds others want to be in charge, and when some of the teens and animals start exhibiting supernatural abilities, fighting breaks out amongst the teens.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  This sounds like a fun idea, but it quickly got too dark for me.  The author didn't pull any punches, and there is some quite disturbing imagery, as well as what I would consider gratuitous violence.  In my opinion, this was too mature for the intended audience.  However, I admittedly have a low tolerance for violence, so I'm sure others would disagree with me.

RATING:  PG13 for Violence, Language, and some mild Sensuality

AUDIENCE:  Young Adults


BOOKS LIKE THIS:  Maze Runner, I am Number Four, 13 Days to Midnight

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