Monday, April 8, 2013

The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley

SYNOPSIS:  Flavia De Luce is back, this time trying to unravel the mysterious death of a puppet master.  At the root of it all (all puns unintended), she discovers another mysterious death, this time of a young boy several years earlier.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  I loved the original of this series, and this book lived up to my expectations for a sequel.  Flavia is smart and funny, and the mystery unravels in a complex and unpredictable way.  There is some violence, as you might expect in a mystery, and reference to an affair, but otherwise, it is very clean.  I would definitely recommend it, especially for readers who enjoyed the first book.

RATING:  PG with Violence, and adult issues

AUDIENCE:  Young Adults and Adults


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