Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Cardturner by Louis Sachar

SYNOPSIS:  Alton Richards has a rich great-uncle.  His family's fondest wish is to become beneficiaries of his will.  So when he needs a cardturner to help him play bridge, Alton is volunteered for the job.  Over time, Alton learns a lot from his great-uncle, not all of it about bridge.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  This book was somewhat slow going, due to the fact that it is about a game I know nothing about.  As the story was told, the author had to keep taking "time outs" to explain what he was talking about.  However, he openly admits this at the beginning of the book.  There are also some content issues, including sexual allusions and some language.  However, it is pretty mild.  All in all, I did enjoy this book, and would recommend it to anyone who isn't bothered with the technical explanations along the way.

AUDIENCE:  Young Adults

RATING:  PG13 for Mild Sensuality and Language

STARS:  2 1/2

BOOKS LIKE THIS:  Dave at Night, Wonderstruck

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