Monday, November 18, 2013

The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L.J. Smith

SYNOPSIS:  Elena has everything.  So when Stefan moves into town and takes no notice of her, she puts everything on the line to get him to notice her.  Unfortunately, he has a dark and mysterious past, and eventually, Elena realizes she really will have to put everything on the line to be with him.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  Bad news for Twilight fans:  there was another book about a vampire who falls in love with a human before Twilight.  In many ways, this book is very similar.  However, I think the reason it hasn't gained the same popularity as Twilight is that it isn't as good.  The heroine is whiny and spoiled.  She uses those around her to get what she wants, with complete disregard to their feelings.  Her love interest is mopey and weak.  Plus there is a lot of bloodsucking going on, with strong sensual undertones.  This, unfortunately, is another read I'd skip.

AUDIENCE:  Young Adult

RATING:  PG13 for Violence, Sensuality, and Disturbing Imagery

STARS: 1 1/2

BOOKS LIKE THIS:  Twilight, Shiver

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