Monday, February 3, 2014

Genius Squad by Catherine Jinks

SYNOPSIS:  Cadel's troubles are far from over, even with Prosper English in jail, and the Axis Institute disbanded.  He is placed in a foster home with a budding criminal, and a spoiled brat, and has only very limited access to a computer, or to his best friend Sonja.  Although his social worker and the detective assigned to his case mean well, they can't stop underestimating Prosper English, and Cadel doesn't feel safe.  When a couple of adults approach Sonja and Cadel in hopes of getting them to join their "Genius Squad" in order to take down GenoME, Cadel leaps at a chance to change his dismal life.  However, he soon begins to wonder if it is a change for the better, or a change for the worse.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  Although the book can be a bit dry in places, and definitely has some language content issues, for the most part, I thought this book was an exciting, worthwhile read.  I would only recommend it to older readers, however, due to the language and some crude references.

AUDIENCE:  Teens and Young Adults

RATING:  PG13 for Language and Crude References


BOOKS LIKE THIS:  Artemis Fowl, The 39 Clues

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