SYNOPSIS: Narrated as though it is a true story, this book follows the lives of several characters, primarily Jean Valjean. After stealing some food out of necessity, Jean's life takes a downward spiral. However, when he is shown mercy, he makes an effort to rise above his past and change his life for the better. Along the way, he changes many lives.
AUNT SHARON'S TAKE: This book took me a long time to complete, mostly because of its length and language. For that reason, I would recommend it to older readers. There were also some very mild sexual references. However, it is a great story, and leads to many questions of ethics and morality. What makes a person good or bad? How does each decision we make change our lives? Definitely a wonderful book for any mature enough to handle it.
AUDIENCE: Young Adults and Adults
BOOKS LIKE THIS: Short Stories by O. Henry, Jane Eyre
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