I had a streak of bad luck with books again. This usually happens when I run out of books or audiobooks, and have to take what is readily available. In these cases, I don't usually end up being impressed, although I have been occasionally pleasantly surprised.
Like I have said, I am not a proponent of censoring. Although I didn't personally agree with the content in the following books, I'm sure many disagree with me. For my personal taste, which is admittedly conservative, I didn't enjoy these books, and put them down before finishing them. However, I encourage everyone to make their own decisions. Here are some books that, because of content, I decided not to finish:
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
WHY? I read this book a long time ago, but I still remember the strong sensuality, even in the first few chapters. It was enough to cause me to quit reading it.

Numbers by Rachel Ward
WHY? This book had potential. It's about a girl who knows a person's death date just by looking at him. However, there was quite a bit of strong language. I couldn't stomach it after a while, and put it down.

Liar by Justine Larbalestier
WHY? I have a limit to how many times I can hear the F-word before I put a book down, but even though this book used strong language, I still stuck with it, because the storytelling was fluid and interesting, and I wanted to find out what would happen. There was some reference to body maturation, and some sexual references and sensuality. There was also a scene of homosexual sensuality, so I didn't end up finishing the book.

Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin
WHY? I knew they were making a movie based on this book, and wanted to try reading it. However, there were several sexual references in this book, as well as some offensive language. In addition, a few chapters in, there was a scene of strong sensuality (including homosexuality), so I gave up on it.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon.
WHY? I was enjoying this book at first. The writing was great, and the story was interesting. However, it passed my threshold for strong language, so I didn't end up finishing it in the end.

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
WHY? I was intrigued by the previews for the movie, and hoped the book would be cleaner than the movie (based on its R rating). However, there was quite a bit of strong language, violence, and sexual reference, and I gave up on it.