Tuesday, September 24, 2013

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

SYNOPSIS:  Clay is confused to find a set of cassette tapes on his porch one day.  When he listens to the tapes, he is horrified to discover that they are a suicide "note" from Hannah Baker.  Each of the tapes is about a person who contributed to her suicide.

AUNT SHARON'S TAKE:  When I started the book, I was interested, thinking it had a good message for how our treatment of others affects them.  However, as the book went on, the actions of the characters got more graphic and horrifying.  I'll admit I skipped some portions.  Because of the graphic description of very mature subject matter (including sexual assault), I would be reluctant to recommend this book.  I would definitely reserve it for older readers only.

AUDIENCE:  Young Adult, Adult

RATING:  PG13 for Sensuality, Language, and Adult Subject Matter

STARS:  1 1/2

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